Non Profit Organization 501(c)(3)

Cuadrangular Intercomunitario

The way our volunteers help people is by organizing events, including the “Cuadrangular Intercomunitario.” This tournament invites teams to participate voluntarily in a short competition, with the champion receiving recognition for their efforts. We are grateful to these teams, as the funds raised support the organization of events aimed at helping others. The teams participating in this event to date include Morascalle, Chilca Totora, Chilca Chapar, San Francisco, Acchayacu, El Verde, Parcoloma, Taniloma, and Gullanzhapa. Through their participation, we create a stronger community and make a real difference in the lives of those in need.

Community Compassion: Together We Help

To help those in need, our organization collaborates with volunteers and the families of affected individuals to organize events such as food sales featuring traditional Ecuadorian dishes, solidarity bingo, and raffles. These events incur various costs, and at times, our volunteers contribute financially to support the cause. We also seek donations of prizes from local businesses and actively find ways to maximize fundraising efforts to assist those impacted by auto accidents, terminal illnesses, or the loss of a family member.

As an organization, we hold both in-person and virtual meetings to keep our group connected and prepared to assist anyone who reaches out for help. Through our collective efforts, we aim to create a strong support network that not only raises funds but also fosters community spirit and compassion. Join us in making a difference!
